The Castle of Lucretia

Lucrezia and her guy Ceraso lead a life full of perverse love affairs. Once Lucretia meets boy and falls in love with him. Cesare destroys her lover. Lucretius – in terror. guy to distract her, arranges a feast, during which the hall burst Lucrezia hired man. While standing over the dying guy, the girl laughs – it is revenge! But she had forgotten about the treachery Cesaro: grape, which she drank was poisoned …

The Castle of Lucretia
The Castle of Lucretia
The Castle of Lucretia
The Castle of Lucretia
The Castle of Lucretia
The Castle of Lucretia
The Castle of Lucretia
The Castle of Lucretia
The Castle of Lucretia
The Castle of Lucretia
The Castle of Lucretia
The Castle of Lucretia
The Castle of Lucretia
The Castle of Lucretia
The Castle of Lucretia
The Castle of Lucretia